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Connectionably For Florists Marketing System

March 22, 20242 min read

"Florists can now easily and cost effectively market their business with a Connectionably For Florists subscription"

Connectionably For Florists has a built in marketing system that solves several problems and provides several benefits for florists.

It is very low cost so no large chunks of spending to acquire new customers.

It targets the area local ( but is not limited to ) to your business so you get targeted customers that can buy.

It is virtually fully automated so the work involved is minimal. You work on your business, not on the marketing.

It creates a CRM database full of contact details with consent for marketing through direct email and SMS messaging.

Not only does it generate new customers, it is designed to increase the customer spend and LTV ( lifetime value ) of your customer.

You can also get existing customers to sign up to the system and increase their lifetime spend.

Florist marketing flyers

How does the Connectionably For Florists marketing system work?

When you sign up to Connectionably for Florists, you get a soft phone number. This is a mobile number with text messaging capabilities that can be accessed through the software and can redirect calls to any other number.

Connectionably has a series of pre-made flyers that are customised with your brand and business name. The messaging on the flyers is pre written and optimised to get people to sign up to the system.

On the flyers are QR codes that contain a webpage address. When people scan the QR code, the webpage opens on their phone.

They fill in a form and submit the details which are captured in the CRM.

Using the information captured when they fill in the form, the system, using your new soft phone number, automatically sends them targeted messaging regarding important dates that they have specified, such as wedding anniversaries, birthdays etc. It also automatically sends messages for annual events such as Valentines day etc.

These messages are customised with your brand and contain messaging that promotes your business and actively encourages the reader to purchase flowers from you as a present for the occasion.

The only work involved for you is the distribution of the flyers in shop windows, doctors surgeries etc. A full guide of where to place your flyers is provided with the system.

You can also promote the system on your social media channels with a link to the webpage.

This is a well proven marketing strategy and has been used to great effect in other industries. 

Connectionably For Florists is the first to provide this complete opportunity in an effective way for the florist industry.

Why not discover how Connectionably For Florists can help streamline and grow your florist business.

Visit the website or call 07952 922750 to find out more

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